Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mommy's Back

Well hello, baby girl. Miss me? Mommy's getting back in to blogging, and your blog is included in that. I hope I stick to it so I can one day show you all I've written to you.

We won't be going back the last year and a half. That's too much time to cover. So we'll just start from today and move forward, sound good? :)

You. Are. A. Talker. My goodness. That's pretty much all you do! You could be saying the simplest thing, but yet I find it so adorably cute. I guess that's just the mama in me.

Today's highlights:
  • I picked you up from school (daycare) and the first thing you said when you saw me? "No have diapers here. Mommy forgot." And you had such a sad look on your face. It was as if the world was going to end because you didn't have diapers at school. But I suppose to a two year old, it is a big deal.
  • After your bath tonight you enjoyed running around the kitchen naked. No diaper. But you were a good sport when mommy told you it was time to put your diaper on.
  • And the best part... I had put you to bed with footsie jams on. I came in a couple hours later to take a shower in our bathroom and what do I see when I look at you sleeping? Your jams on the floor and you, naked, wrapped up in your blankie. And because I know you all too well, I checked to see if your diaper was still on. It was. The whole picture just made me smile.
I'm going to make a point to tell you about "today's highlights" every day. That way I have a better chance of remembering all the cute, little things you do on a daily basis.

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