Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bless... yoga pants?

Today, you were a very good girl. You got a bath for the second day in a row. And you went potty on the toilet at home again. You seem to go on the toilet all day long at daycare, but when it comes to going at home... not so much. That's mostly my fault though because I never ask you to go. I'm getting better though! I'm working towards you being in big girl underwear by the end of the month. Hopefully.

Today's highlights:
  • We read books before bed time and then it was time for prayers. You said the usual people - mommy, daddy, Brendan, Audrey, aunts and uncles, etc. But then you said something I didn't quite understand at first. So I asked "Bless what?" and you repeated "Bess yoga pants." Yoga pants?? Ha! Mommy and Auntie Carly were wearing their yoga pants today, and apparently you noticed. You noticed enough to even bless them. Then you proceeded to bless a cup and some other object that I can't remember. Silly little girl.
  • It was the first day that you took a nap at home without your nookie. Way to go! You didn't even whine for it or anything. When I laid you down for bed you asked for it, but I told you I had to "find it." You are currently talking to yourself in bed.
  • After bath time you had a good half hour of pure nakedness. Mommy didn't care. For some reason, you enjoy running around in your birthday suit. And as long you don't go peeing all over the floors, I am totally okay with it.

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