Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sitting on 'Shrek'

Today was a super fun day for you. You got play with three of your friends while mommy was at work. And from what I heard, you had a blast! You played hide-and-seek, and giggled when you were supposed to be napping. You four had to be separated into different rooms because you wouldn't go to sleep!

Today's highlights:
  • When you picked me up from work you were sleeping in the car. We got about a block away from my work, and all of a sudden I hear you say, "Who sat on my Shrek?" I look back and you were wide awake! It was as if you were never even sleeping. The funnier part is, you remembered the driver putting your Shrek movie onto the front seat when you left your friends' house. And that was your first worry when you woke up and saw someone sitting in the the front seat:  "Who sat on my Shrek?"
  • The giggles being heard from the living room while you and your friends were supposed to be napping. I wasn't there to hear it myself, but I was told about it and wish I could have been there to witness it. I can only imagine how adorable all your little laughs were.
  • At prayers tonight you managed to bless all three doors in our bedroom (the bedroom door, bathroom door, and closet door). I suppose they could use some blessings. I'm sure no one else thinks to include them during their prayers.

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