Monday, March 14, 2011

Mommy's Little Girl

You have quite the imagination little missy. Last night you "fed" your new Shrek poster with invisible food you cooked in your play kitchen. You love to play pretend, and be a "mommy" to your "babies". I can't help but smile every time you tell me that your baby needs a diaper change, or how your baby pooped and is stinky, or how you "spilled" the food you just made, or how you have to "keen (clean) up". You tend to tell me every little thing you are doing. "My getting diaper, mom." "My watching Shrek, mom." "My takin' a baff, mom." "My payin' wiff Brendan, mom." "My makin' muffins, mom." There is no 'I' in your vocabulary yet. Then there is your often used question of "What you doin', mom?" And I can't do anything without you wanting to come with. I can't wait until I can go potty or take shower/bath without you watching me the whole time. Nevertheless, you are my baby girl and I'm sure when the day comes that you don't want to be attached to my hip anymore, I'm going to want these days to come back.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Big Sis

You are an amazing big sister, Bryanna Michelle! You help mommy with diaper changes and nookie-searching. You put toys out for Brendan to play with on the floor. You give big hugs and kisses when you get back from daddy's haven't seen your baby brother for a few days. You even sing him songs!

Last night you insisted on sleeping with Brendan in his new crib. Of course, I let you. When I left the room, I kept coming back and peeking through the crack in the door to see what you were doing. You started to fix your blankie and you covered Brendan's face. Ha! So I came in and re-tucked you into bed. I asked you to sing songs to Brendan to help him fall asleep. As I was walking out I heard you start with "Rock-a-Bye Baby." I literally had tears in my eyes. You are growing up so fast and becoming quite the big sis to Brendan-boy. He loves you so much! I just hope this continues as you both get older.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Today was so awesome hanging out with you and your brother. I love my days off :) Yes, I may sleep a lot, but it's nice sitting on the couch with you watching Shrek over and over and over again. You didn't actually take a nap today so it was so precious watching your head bob up and down around 7 o'clock while watching.... yep you guessed it! Shrek! I got you to lay on mommy's pillow and this is how you spent the last hour of your night before actually going to bed.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sitting on 'Shrek'

Today was a super fun day for you. You got play with three of your friends while mommy was at work. And from what I heard, you had a blast! You played hide-and-seek, and giggled when you were supposed to be napping. You four had to be separated into different rooms because you wouldn't go to sleep!

Today's highlights:
  • When you picked me up from work you were sleeping in the car. We got about a block away from my work, and all of a sudden I hear you say, "Who sat on my Shrek?" I look back and you were wide awake! It was as if you were never even sleeping. The funnier part is, you remembered the driver putting your Shrek movie onto the front seat when you left your friends' house. And that was your first worry when you woke up and saw someone sitting in the the front seat:  "Who sat on my Shrek?"
  • The giggles being heard from the living room while you and your friends were supposed to be napping. I wasn't there to hear it myself, but I was told about it and wish I could have been there to witness it. I can only imagine how adorable all your little laughs were.
  • At prayers tonight you managed to bless all three doors in our bedroom (the bedroom door, bathroom door, and closet door). I suppose they could use some blessings. I'm sure no one else thinks to include them during their prayers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bless... yoga pants?

Today, you were a very good girl. You got a bath for the second day in a row. And you went potty on the toilet at home again. You seem to go on the toilet all day long at daycare, but when it comes to going at home... not so much. That's mostly my fault though because I never ask you to go. I'm getting better though! I'm working towards you being in big girl underwear by the end of the month. Hopefully.

Today's highlights:
  • We read books before bed time and then it was time for prayers. You said the usual people - mommy, daddy, Brendan, Audrey, aunts and uncles, etc. But then you said something I didn't quite understand at first. So I asked "Bless what?" and you repeated "Bess yoga pants." Yoga pants?? Ha! Mommy and Auntie Carly were wearing their yoga pants today, and apparently you noticed. You noticed enough to even bless them. Then you proceeded to bless a cup and some other object that I can't remember. Silly little girl.
  • It was the first day that you took a nap at home without your nookie. Way to go! You didn't even whine for it or anything. When I laid you down for bed you asked for it, but I told you I had to "find it." You are currently talking to yourself in bed.
  • After bath time you had a good half hour of pure nakedness. Mommy didn't care. For some reason, you enjoy running around in your birthday suit. And as long you don't go peeing all over the floors, I am totally okay with it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mommy's Back

Well hello, baby girl. Miss me? Mommy's getting back in to blogging, and your blog is included in that. I hope I stick to it so I can one day show you all I've written to you.

We won't be going back the last year and a half. That's too much time to cover. So we'll just start from today and move forward, sound good? :)

You. Are. A. Talker. My goodness. That's pretty much all you do! You could be saying the simplest thing, but yet I find it so adorably cute. I guess that's just the mama in me.

Today's highlights:
  • I picked you up from school (daycare) and the first thing you said when you saw me? "No have diapers here. Mommy forgot." And you had such a sad look on your face. It was as if the world was going to end because you didn't have diapers at school. But I suppose to a two year old, it is a big deal.
  • After your bath tonight you enjoyed running around the kitchen naked. No diaper. But you were a good sport when mommy told you it was time to put your diaper on.
  • And the best part... I had put you to bed with footsie jams on. I came in a couple hours later to take a shower in our bathroom and what do I see when I look at you sleeping? Your jams on the floor and you, naked, wrapped up in your blankie. And because I know you all too well, I checked to see if your diaper was still on. It was. The whole picture just made me smile.
I'm going to make a point to tell you about "today's highlights" every day. That way I have a better chance of remembering all the cute, little things you do on a daily basis.