Monday, March 14, 2011

Mommy's Little Girl

You have quite the imagination little missy. Last night you "fed" your new Shrek poster with invisible food you cooked in your play kitchen. You love to play pretend, and be a "mommy" to your "babies". I can't help but smile every time you tell me that your baby needs a diaper change, or how your baby pooped and is stinky, or how you "spilled" the food you just made, or how you have to "keen (clean) up". You tend to tell me every little thing you are doing. "My getting diaper, mom." "My watching Shrek, mom." "My takin' a baff, mom." "My payin' wiff Brendan, mom." "My makin' muffins, mom." There is no 'I' in your vocabulary yet. Then there is your often used question of "What you doin', mom?" And I can't do anything without you wanting to come with. I can't wait until I can go potty or take shower/bath without you watching me the whole time. Nevertheless, you are my baby girl and I'm sure when the day comes that you don't want to be attached to my hip anymore, I'm going to want these days to come back.

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