Friday, August 21, 2009

Love it

It is the cutest, most adorable thing when I walk into your room when you have woken up and see you up on your knees holding the side of the crib just waiting for me or daddy to come in and get you. You've been doing that for about a week now and I just can't help but smile everytime I walk in and see you doing it. You also are drinking out of sippy cups now. We still feed you formula out of a bottle, but we give you juice and water cups everyday. I just watched you down an entire sippy cup of apple-banana juice in about 7 minutes. You are growing up so fast. Unfortunately, you have been sick the past couple of days. I had to stay home from work to take care of you. The doc thinks it's just a summer flu and you don't need to be treated with antibiotics. You're still getting fevers though so daddy and I are trying really hard to keep you hydrated. But you have been acting completely normal. Still a very happy baby. You are just a little more whiney and needy than usual. Hopefully you are feeling tons better by Monday so you can get back to day care.

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