Friday, August 7, 2009

Total cuteness

Although tooth number 2 came in quite a few days ago, I can now see it when you smile. Pretty soon both bottom teeth will be grown in and you'll be ready to work on some top ones! It's so cute watching you smile. Last night we stayed the night at gramma's and you had to stay in your cradle. Gramma doesn't have a crib yet. You used to fit so nicely in that cradle. Now you are just too big. You move around a lot in your sleep and the cradle was just too little for you to move anywhere. It was cute to peek in on you and see your foot sticking out between the bars. You end up in very odd positions when you sleep. Then in the morning you woke up with some major bedhead. All of the hair on your head was sticking out every which way. I couldn't help but try and take a picture of it. Unfortunately you weren't in a cooperating mood, and my phone doesn't take very good pictures sometimes. And when I picked you up from day care you smelled like vanilla wafers. Everything that happened today just seemed so darn cute to me! Your 11-month birthday is coming up in a couple days. Your growing up so fast.

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