Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh my sweetie pie

So now that you've been scootin' around for the past month, we've had to block off the openings to the kitchen. We don't have gates so we use chairs or your exersaucer. You don't like this very much. You get mad/frustrated when you can't get into the kitchen. A few days ago we had your car seat in front of one of the openings and you started to pull yourself up on it. Then you lost balance and face planted right into the car seat. Just now, like right at this very minute, I had the exersaucer in front of one of the openings and you crawled right through the bottom of it to get to the kitchen! It was the funniest thing ever! You sure know what you want, and you usually want it now. Unfortunately, because of all the scootin' on the carpet, you got a blister on your big toe of your right foot. For some reason you only push off of that one toe. We try to keep socks on you at all times, but you don't seem to want to keep them on. You just pull them right off everytime! You certainly are the cutest darn thing, baby girl.

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