Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy 11-month Birthday!

Today you are officially 11 months old. Time flies when you're having fun! Just think. In a few more months or so you will be walking. Then mom and dad will really have to keep up with you! At 11-months you can:

*scoot (army crawl) yourself all over the place

*wave hi and buh-bye

*say ma-ma and da-da

*get yourself up onto your knees, but sprawl out and scoot when you want to move somewhere

*sit up all by yourself

*stand with help, but are very wobbly still

*sometimes pull yourself to standing, but lose balance and fall over

*sleep through the night like a champ

*clap your hands

Things you love:

*your puppy and panda

*your nookie (when its needed)

*playing on the floor

*remotes and cell phones

*the dog food bowl (you are constantly crawling over to it... and we are constantly pulling you away from it)

*anything that is not a baby toy

*wires and cords

*hanging out under tables

*Hats and sunglasses

*Fruit. You absolutely love fruit.

Other facts:

*you weigh 16 pounds (not sure of your height/length)

*you have a decent amount of hair on your little noggin

*you are still a skinny, little peanut

*you wear size 2 diapers

*you wear 6-9 month onsies

*you wear 6 month tops and 6-9 month bottoms (depends on the brand)

*you have 2 bottom teeth growing in

*you sometimes take a 1 hour morning nap, and always take an afternoon nap for about 1.5 - 2.5 hours around 1:00pm (depends on where you are sleeping and how sleepy you are)

*you move around a lot in your sleep (and I mean a lot)

Eating habits:

*6 oz bottle of EnfaCare in the morning

*2 oz of formula mixed with cereal, and a bowl of fruit/veggies at most meals

*an occasional 2-4 oz bottle throughout the day

*graham crackers, saltines, cheerios, bananas, beans, and other "people" food for snacks

And I'm sure there are plenty of things I am missing, but there is just so much stuff you can do now that it is hard to remember it all in just one sitting. You have one of the best personalities ever! (I'm sure all parents say that about their kids though) And you are overall a super happy baby. You only cry when you want something. Otherwise you are all smiles. We love you, sweet pea! Happy 11-months! :)

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