Friday, July 17, 2009

So Big!

Ok... I've decided to start a blog just for you baby girl! I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up on a daily basis. Today is daddy's birthday and we have a wedding to go to tonight. You will be staying with Aunt Crystal for the night. I am pretty darn nervous. You don't know her very well because you haven't been around her all that much. I'm hoping you aren't too much of a problem. You've become pretty attached to your mama and daddy in the past month or so. Your cousin Lexi is super excited to see you though! She absolutely LOVES you! Don't worry though. Mom will be there bright and early tomorrow morning to pick you up. I am going to miss you like crazy! I hope I can handle it. :) Last week you turned 10 months old! I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. You can officially scoot yourself to wherever the heck you want to go. I put a big storage tub in front of one of the openings to the kitchen and you just pushed it out of the way. I knew right then and there that you were going to be a mischevious one. And lately you have been making the weirdest faces EVER. For example: 

And that is just one of the many that I have caught on camera. You are a goon! And you do this thing where you breath heavily out your nose like you're frustrated or something. Me and daddy sure do get a kick out of it! As all parents say about their own kids... YOU, missy miss, are the cutest darn baby ever! :)

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