Monday, July 20, 2009


Well... because it just wouldn't be you if you didn't get sick at least once this season, over the weekend you came down with a serious cold. Snot pretty much drains from your nose all day long. Your little nose is all red from all the wiping. Tonight was such a struggle to get you to bed. First, you had a blowout. It was bath night anyways, but it was quite a mess! And then after daddy gave you a bath and got you ready for bed, you became very crabby. It was about 7:00P when we laid you down because you were giving all the signs that you were sleepy. You were screaming at the top of your lungs while lying in bed. You were fighting it so bad. You were so tired, but yet did not want to go to sleep. Me and daddy didn't know what to do! Usually you go right to sleep. We're not used to you being difficult at bed time. After about 10 minutes of you crying daddy came in and got you. We let you hang out for a little bit with us and then tried to put you to bed again. The same thing. You cried and cried and cried. I came in there and wiped your nose and face down because it was all a mess from the crying. Then I held you for a minute and laid you back down. Yet again, more crying. It just wasn't like you! This is how we know you really aren't feeling good. About 15-20 mins later I came in there to check on you. You were sleeping but still hadn't caught your breath so you were making weird hiccupy noises. The noises kids make when they cry super hard and their breathing goes unstable. It was so sad. I really didn't like seeing you like that at all. I then noticed the blanket was soaked. Your cheek smelled a little weird to me too so I thought maybe you had thrown up from all the crying. I took the blanket out from under you to wash it. Now, I'm at Gramma's and you are at home with daddy. Sleeping. I hope you feel much better very soon sweet pea!

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