Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Well you certainly have developed quite the attitude, missy miss. You know when you want attention and you want it NOW. It is so adorable! I was just hanging out on the computer and you were doing your own thing in the living room, then POOF! I turned around and there you were 2 feet from my feet. And then you started whining "mamamama." As soon as I picked you up you were all smiles! :) I loved it. You also laid down on your knees! You had your knees bent, toosh up in the air, and head on the ground. One of the cutest poses I have ever seen! You are also feeling much better. Your nose is still runny, but your mood is back to normal and you aren't sneezing very much. Woohoo!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well... because it just wouldn't be you if you didn't get sick at least once this season, over the weekend you came down with a serious cold. Snot pretty much drains from your nose all day long. Your little nose is all red from all the wiping. Tonight was such a struggle to get you to bed. First, you had a blowout. It was bath night anyways, but it was quite a mess! And then after daddy gave you a bath and got you ready for bed, you became very crabby. It was about 7:00P when we laid you down because you were giving all the signs that you were sleepy. You were screaming at the top of your lungs while lying in bed. You were fighting it so bad. You were so tired, but yet did not want to go to sleep. Me and daddy didn't know what to do! Usually you go right to sleep. We're not used to you being difficult at bed time. After about 10 minutes of you crying daddy came in and got you. We let you hang out for a little bit with us and then tried to put you to bed again. The same thing. You cried and cried and cried. I came in there and wiped your nose and face down because it was all a mess from the crying. Then I held you for a minute and laid you back down. Yet again, more crying. It just wasn't like you! This is how we know you really aren't feeling good. About 15-20 mins later I came in there to check on you. You were sleeping but still hadn't caught your breath so you were making weird hiccupy noises. The noises kids make when they cry super hard and their breathing goes unstable. It was so sad. I really didn't like seeing you like that at all. I then noticed the blanket was soaked. Your cheek smelled a little weird to me too so I thought maybe you had thrown up from all the crying. I took the blanket out from under you to wash it. Now, I'm at Gramma's and you are at home with daddy. Sleeping. I hope you feel much better very soon sweet pea!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Oh my goodness baby girl! You had such a fun weekend! Unfortunately you are sick... what else is new though? You get sick pretty often. I'm sorry. I should have nursed :( Anyhoo... you rode on a jetski for the very first time with daddy! He didn't go too fast so don't worry... I did the worrying for you :) It was a success though and you loved it. We got up to grampa Davey's cabin on Saturday and just got home today. It was a long drive home. Since you aren't feeling well, you didnt' sleep at all on the way back. Even though it was already passed your usual bedtime. You're nose has just been so stuffy. Everytime you sneeze it just shoots out! Sorry to say, but your mama is a neat freak so I can't help but wipe your nose every time I see snot. Your nose is a little rosey from all the rubbing. Now that we are home and you're in your own bed, you are sound asleep. I can't wait to follow suit! I am one pooped out mommy! It was a very fun weekend for you and me both. I enjoyed it more-so because you did. Love ya babe! :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

So Big!

Ok... I've decided to start a blog just for you baby girl! I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up on a daily basis. Today is daddy's birthday and we have a wedding to go to tonight. You will be staying with Aunt Crystal for the night. I am pretty darn nervous. You don't know her very well because you haven't been around her all that much. I'm hoping you aren't too much of a problem. You've become pretty attached to your mama and daddy in the past month or so. Your cousin Lexi is super excited to see you though! She absolutely LOVES you! Don't worry though. Mom will be there bright and early tomorrow morning to pick you up. I am going to miss you like crazy! I hope I can handle it. :) Last week you turned 10 months old! I just can't believe how fast time has gone by. You can officially scoot yourself to wherever the heck you want to go. I put a big storage tub in front of one of the openings to the kitchen and you just pushed it out of the way. I knew right then and there that you were going to be a mischevious one. And lately you have been making the weirdest faces EVER. For example: 

And that is just one of the many that I have caught on camera. You are a goon! And you do this thing where you breath heavily out your nose like you're frustrated or something. Me and daddy sure do get a kick out of it! As all parents say about their own kids... YOU, missy miss, are the cutest darn baby ever! :)